Standard Contract T2a, Between Teacher and the parents/students
Between Sam White (‘Teacher’)
Of Flat 3, 106 High Street, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 7BN (address)
Who may be contacted on Sam@drumunlimited.co.uk (email)
And Parent/Guardian (Student)
For the teacher to provide lessons (Lessons) on the drum kit (instrument) to (name of Student),
to commence on(date)
and thereafter at Oakthorpe Primary School, Tile Kiln Lane, London N13 6BY (name and address of school) (“School”), during school hours, at a regular time and day as mutually agreed between the Student and Teacher.
Lessons will take place on Mondays and/or Fridays between the hours of 9:00-15:30. (Although these may sometimes be on alternative days in the event of the teacher needing to make up any missed lessons due to touring/teacher illness)
An effort will be made to make sure that students will rotate so they won’t miss the same lessons each week.
Each Lesson to have a duration of 20/30 minutes.
The current fee per lesson is
£11 per 20 minute lesson
£16.5 per 30 minute lesson
which is payable in full prior to each Term. There will be ten lessons provided each term, unless a student starts late so that providing ten lessons won’t be possible. This will be agreed upon in writing via the invoice.
Payment Information: - Mr R Sam White AC: 03309148 SC: 309054 (Please wait until you receive the invoice before making payment)
Cancellation Policy
A written notice period of not less than half a terms notice is required to terminate this agreement after the cooling off period (see paragraph 4).
Lessons automatically renew each term so new agreements do not need to be signed and students are still bound by this agreement.
This contract is automatically cancelled when a student progresses from year 6 to year 7 and is no longer at the school.
All other students are still required to give half a terms notice as stated above.
In the event that the Student discontinues Lessons after the cooling off period with insufficient notice, the Student will be liable to pay fees for those Lessons not taken during the notice period.
This agreement is subject to the conditions printed overleaf and may only be varied with the agreement of both parties.
The Student hereby requests immediate commencement of the Lessons on the timetable stated above and acknowledges that
he/she will not be entitled to a refund for any Lessons which have begun during the cooling-off period.
To cancel your contract
Information about the 'cooling off' period and the exercise of the right to cancel during it
You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days (the 'cooling off' period) without giving any reason.
The cooling off period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the
right to cancel. you must inform me:
Sam White,
of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by e-mail) .
To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cooling off period has expired.
Effects of cancellation during the 'cooling off' period
If you cancel this contract during the cooling off period, we will reimburse to you all payments received
from you unless you requested us to begin the performance of services during the cooling off period.
We will make the reimbursement without undue delay, and not later than 14 days after the day on which we are informed about your decision to cancel this contract. We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction (bank transfer), unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not
incur any fees as a result of the reimbursement. If you requested us to begin the performance of
services during the cancellation period, you shall pay us for the Lessons provided.
Please note: I will not give any reimbursements in cash. Bank transfer only.
Private teaching
1. Fees
Lesson fees are subject to annual review. Where Lesson fees are increased as a result of such a review, the Teacher shall endeavour to give the Student at least one month’s notice of such increase. The Student shall have the right to terminate this agreement immediately on written notice to the Teacher without liability to pay for any further Lessons (and to receive a refund in respect of any Lessons for which the Student has paid in advance) in the event that the applicable Lesson fees increase
2. Missed Lessons
Any Lesson missed by the Student shall be paid for unless otherwise agreed with the Teacher. If the Teacher is unavailable to give any scheduled Lesson, the Lesson will be carried forward to another date. If this is not possible, any fee already paid will be refunded or used to pay for a future Lesson.
3. Additional Lessons
Extra Lessons may be scheduled during holiday periods or at any other time by mutual agreement and at a cost mutually agreed between the Student and the Teacher. If the Teacher is not able to provide such extra Lessons at the School, as a result of the School being closed or for any other reason, the location of such lessons shall be agreed between the Teacher and the Student.
4. Cooling-off Period
a) The Student has a legal right to cancel this
agreement under the Consumer Contracts
(Information, Cancellation and Additional
Charges) Regulations 2013 during the "cooling
off period" set out in 4(b) below. This means
that during that cooling off period. if the
Student changes his/her mind or decides for any
other reason that he/she does not want to
receive the Lessons. the Student can notify the
Teacher of his/her decision to cancel the
agreement and receive a refund for any
Lessons paid for but not received prior to that
b) The Student's cooling off period starts from
the date of this agreement and ends 14 days
later. To cancel the agreement the Student
should let the Teacher know that he/she has
decided to cancel.
5. Limitation of Liability
a) ) If the Teacher fails to comply with the terms of this agreement, he/she is responsible for loss or damage the Student suffers that is a foreseeable result of the Teacher’s breach or his/her negligence, but is not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. b) The Teacher does not in any way exclude or limit his/her liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, fraud, or fraudulent misrepresentation.
From time to time, the Student may request
that the Teacher:
a) Supplies them with goods (for example,
sheet music, strings or reeds): or
b) Loans them an instrument or other
equipment. in connection with the provision of
the Lessons or the undertaking of
performances and/or examinations.
This agreement is not intended to include
provisions applicable to those scenarios, and
the Student and the Teacher should mutually
agree relevant terms in writing as required.
7. Termination of Agreement
a) A decision to discontinue Lessons after the
cooling off period may be taken by the Student or
the Teacher in which case written notice, the
period of which is stated overleaf, shall be given by
the party seeking to discontinue. In the event
that the Student discontinues Lessons with
insufficient notice, the Student will be liable to
pay fees for those Lessons not taken during the
notice period.
b) If a student/parent is frequently late with payments, or refuses to pay the invoices, without acceptable mitigating circumstances or without evidence that they have given the mandatory two weeks notice for a lesson absence, then they will lose their lesson slot and their membership shall be cancelled until full payment has been received.
c) A student who has lost their time slot as a result of late payments may have to re-join the waiting list until a suitable timeslot becomes available. A time slot will only be made available as soon as all monies owed are settled. This is at the discretion of the Teacher.
8. General
a) Neither party shall be liable to the other party
for any breach by the other of any of the terms
and conditions herein occasioned by any act of
God, war, revolution, riot, civil disturbance,
strike, lock-out. flood, fire or other cause not
reasonably within the control of such party.
b) The Student undertakes not to make
photocopies of any music, nor share passwords and login information for the website and members area of drumunlimited.co.uk.
c) Examination entries, festivals, competitions
or otherwise will only be entered if the Student
and Teacher are in agreement. Any entry fees
will be paid for by the Student.
d) The Student is responsible for the insurance
of the Student's instrument.
e) In the interests of the Student's well-being
whilst in the Teacher's care, the Teacher must be
informed of any medical or other condition
affecting the Student.
f) If the Student is under eighteen, the Student's
parent or guardian gives permission for the
Teacher to teach the Student.
g) The Teacher is a member of the MU and
agrees to abide by the MU's Code of Conduct. a
copy of which can be obtained from the MU,
whose address is 60-62 Clapham Road,
London SWG OJJ.
- "Term" in the above context corresponds to
the termly calendar in Local Authority (LA)
- MU members are insured personally in respect
of legal liability that may arise following injury or
damage to members of the public. The limit of
indemnity is £10m. This policy is only operative
whilst the individual registered member is
performing, rehearsing or auditioning either
solo or as part of a group, band or orchestra
and/or whilst teaching either at the member's
own home, the Student's own home, or in a
public place including transit to and from.
- It is important to note that whilst a Teacher
will use his or her best endeavours to ensure
the Student makes satisfactory progress. this
cannot be guaranteed. In particular, careful
regular practice as advised by the Teacher is
a prerequisite of success on any musical
instrument or in any musical endeavour.